Thanks to donations from individuals as well as several sponsorships and foundation grants, we are on track to resolve the deficit and pay our vendors by the end of this calendar year.
The community response to our request for feedback and ideas has also been very encouraging. To have so many people take the time to weigh in has been amazing. Whether the comments were encouraging or critical, all of the feedback will help us grow and evolve as an organization.
Whether you made a donation or shared your thoughts, we cannot thank you enough for this opportunity to come back better and stronger in 2025 and beyond.
Looking to the Future
The concern over outstanding bills and paying 2024 vendors has been resolved, but we still have a lot of work to do to get to where we want to be to properly benefit our community going forward with changes that are purposeful, effective, and sustainable. We continue to seek financial support for our efforts to evolve our programming and further stabilize our organization and our financial future.
As we noted last month, to find a way forward, all options for change are on the table. We have taken the time to reflect on what’s happened, review feedback, and consider what our future looks and through that process we realize that in order to make changes that are well-thought-out with lasting impact, it is likely we will need to make adjustments in phases. Last month we identified a few initial areas of opportunity and would like to update you on those now:
New dates, new location, modified footprint
There are some limitations and potential challenges that we are working through. We have spent 20+ years in our current location and have developed valuable and important infrastructure that may not be available to us in a new space. Additionally, developing a new site map for a new location may take more time than we have available for the 2025 Utah Arts Festival. While our current location hasn't necessarily been identified as a top issue, it is very much a factor in the dates of our event. The dates we have available to us in that space are limited due to other longstanding events who also use the space and the time needed for the City to ready the grounds in between each event.
In addition to evaluating the options for dates, we are also looking at ways we could better mitigate the heat or provide opportunities for shade and cooling if we are not able to make immediate changes to dates or location in 2025, including using more of Washington Square and other possible changes to the layout.
Re-imagining how programming is presented to ensure we retain the energy, vibrancy and quality.
The date and location could have an impact on programming, which is why we are focused on resolving that first. Immediately to follow we will take a more critical look at our programming as well as the feedback we’ve received so far and identify where we can make the best, most effective changes within our available budget. We have received a lot of great input from the community and we plan to further engage you as well as participants directly impacted as we move forward in evaluating changes, and doing so within parameters that are within our control.
Address changed financial means.
- Continue our fundraising efforts to build the funding we need to start 2025 Festival planning in October.
- Revamp sponsorship packages to better align with our financial needs with available opportunities.
- Update our individual giving program.
At the same time we are working to resolve immediate concerns and challenges to presenting a successful 2025 Utah Arts Festival, we are also thinking about what needs to happen to present in 2026 and beyond.
While the change or updates may at times appear slow, we want to assure you that we are listening and that we are working diligently to employ a process that is thoughtful and develops viable solutions that takes into consideration the myriad factors of impact. We do not take your support lightly and we want to take great care with the trust and resources we are being given.
How You Can Help
Make A Donation: Your donation will be matched up to $15,000 from our Board of Directors and Emeritus Boards. This includes one-time donations as well as pledged donations with payments made over time, or even gifts of stock.
Please consider making a donation in any amount to help us maximize this match. Your support will help us to not just continue our work, but also to evolve. Visit, take part in our Instagram Fundraiser, or contact us at (801) 322-2428 or
Share with Your Network: Not able to make a donation yourself? Share our social media messages as we promote our fundraising campaign and this incredible match, and help encourage your connections to donate.
Connect Us to Resources: Is your company interested in offering a match for future campaigns? Do you have contacts or resources you think could be useful as we work to identify additional support. We want to hear from you! Any leads or ideas can make a difference. We would also love to hear your stories and any testimonials about your experience with UAF and how it has impacted you. You can share those with us using this form.