Your Generosity Makes It All Possible!
The Utah Arts Festival is a celebration of community where we revel in live music, poets and storytellers, film screenings, graffiti art, and an artist marketplace full of high-quality visual artists. It's a place to find your passion and gain inspiration; showcasing diverse independent artists and offering free, hands-on workshops.
Donations empower artists of all ages and backgrounds to pursue their passions, foster a vibrant artistic community and make it possible for us to provide dynamic, inclusive, and accessible programming. In return for your support and to thank you for being a Friend, you’ll receive access to three exclusive patios, giving you the best seat in the house for our most notable performances, plus admission to private events and special offers from our partners.
Please explore the various donation levels and benefits below. Note that donations to the Utah Arts Festival are fully tax-deductible, and opting to receive benefits will reduce the tax-deductible value of your donation.
*Donations received by May 30th will be acknowledged on our recognition banner and other signage at the Utah Arts Festival.
- Make a one-time donation of any amount.
- Pledge a small monthly donation through your credit or debit card. Contact our Development Director to set this up.
- Give a stock gift or planned gift by contacting our Development Director.
- Designate the Utah Arts Festival as your nonprofit choice on your Smith's Shoppers Card account, and Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to support us.
Join us in nurturing art and community – your generosity makes it all possible!
Development Department:
Friends Levels & Benefits
What You Get When You Give:
Two (2) general admission tickets for the Utah Arts Festival.
6-Pack of general admission tickets to the Utah Arts Festival.
Two (2) FWB Weekend Passes.
Two (2) FWB Weekend Passes.
Four (4) Friend for a Day passes.
FANATIC: $1,000
Four (4) FWB Weekend Passes.
Eight (8) Friend for a Day passes.
SUPERFAN: $2,000+
Four (4) FWB Weekend Passes.
Sixteen (16) Friends for a Day passes.
FWB Weekend Passes or Friend for a Day Pass required for access to the Friends Patio, Sky Box and Hospitality Patio.
Each FWB Weekend Passes includes admission to the Festival and access to all three exclusive patios for one person all three days of the Utah Arts Festival. Friend for a Day passes provide admission and access to all three exclusive patios for one person on one day of your choice during the Utah Arts Festival.
All of our Friends will receive the following benefits:
- You’ll be the first to know whenever we’ve got breaking news.
- Invitations to events just for Friends.
- Special offers and discounts from corporate and community partners.
Friends Who #GiveaCrap
Be a Friend Who Gives a Crap!
Donate $75 and you'll have the opportunity to put a name or brief personalized message internally and externally on one of the fantastic Porta-Potties at the Utah Arts Festival. You'll also receive two general admission tickets to the Festival and a commemorative foam Porta-Potty as a reminder that you truly give a crap about something important.
Your donation is tax-deductible and all proceeds benefit the Utah Arts Festival. For questions contact
Planned Gifts
Thank you for considering a legacy gift to the Utah Arts Festival in your long-term financial plans. Your gift will have a large impact on the arts community in Utah by strengthening and securing the future of the Utah Arts Festival for generations to come.
Planned gifts can be in many forms:
- Bequests
- Life insurance
- Real Estate
- Trusts
- Annuities
- Pooled income funds
For more information on how to establish a planned gift, contact our development team at 801-322-2428 or your estate planner.
Gift Acceptance Policy
Acceptance of any contribution, gift, or grant is at the discretion of the Utah Arts Festival. The Utah Arts Festival will not accept any gift unless it can be used or expended consistently with its purpose and mission and can be held or sold for economic gain.
No irrevocable gift, whether outright or life-income in character, will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift would jeopardize the donor’s financial security and by making a donation to the Utah Arts Festival you acknowledge and agree that your donation does not place your financial security at risk.
The Utah Arts Festival does not provide advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts. Donors should seek guidance from their own professional advisors to assist them in the process of making their gifts.
The Utah Arts Festival will accept donations of cash, publicly traded securities, and valuable personal property. Certain other gifts, invaluable personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, real estate, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner, must be reviewed by the Gift Acceptance Committee* prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for the Utah Arts Festival.
The Utah Arts Festival will provide acknowledgments to donors meeting IRS substantiation requirements for property received by the charity as a gift. However, except for gifts of cash and publicly traded securities, no value shall be ascribed to any receipt or other form of substantiation of a gift received by the Utah Arts Festival.
The Utah Arts Festival will respect the wishes of those relating to the desire to remain anonymous. With respect to anonymous gifts, the Utah Arts Festival will restrict information about the donor to only those staff members with a need to know. The Utah Arts Festival is excited and honored to accept donations intended for specific purposes. If you wish to make a donation restricted to a particular use or purpose, please contact our Development Director to make sure that your donation can be made in the way that both accomplishes your giving objectives and is most beneficial to the Utah Arts Festival.
The Utah Arts Festival may accept any designated contribution, grant, bequest, or devise consistent with its general charitable and tax-exempt purposes. As so limited, donor-designated contributions will be accepted for special funds, purposes, or uses, and such designations generally will be honored. However, the Utah Arts Festival reserves all right, title, and interest in and to and control of such contributions, as well as full discretion as to the ultimate expenditure or distribution thereof. Further, the Utah Arts Festival will acquire and retain sufficient control over all donated funds (including designated contributions) to assure that such funds will be used to carry out the Corporation's tax-exempt purposes.
The Utah Arts Festival will not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a gift or a donor to the Utah Arts Festival.
Multi-year pledges will be accepted, but for no more than five years. Donors should complete and sign a gift or pledge agreement form detailing the purpose of the gift, payment schedule, and recognition preferences.
* Gift Acceptance Committee
The primary role of the Gift Acceptance Committee is to review proposed gift transactions that are out of the ordinary. The Committee shall be made up of one member of the Board of Directors to be appointed annually, the Executive Director, the Development Director, and an attorney or other professional persons as relevant to the nature of the potential gift (e.g. real estate professional, insurance specialist, CPA, financial advisor, etc.).