The Indie Poetry Slam will take place on Sunday, June 30, 2024. The competition will begin at 7p & end approx 8p.
- Registration for the Individual Slam will cost $50 to contribute towards the cash prize. This will bring our total prize pool to $600 for the winning poets.
- There will be a total of 10 available spots for the slam.
- All poets who sign up to register will be wait-listed until their registration fee is received. Once all 10 openings are paid and confirmed, all other sign ups will be wait-listed in case of any drops.
- All selected poets must be present to verbally verify their participation 30 minutes prior to that start of the Slam. Poets who's names are called but are not present will forfeit their spot.
- After the 10 Spots have been selected, two additional names will be drawn to as Sacrificial Performers
- 10 Competitors will draw for the order of the 1st & 2nd rounds. The poets will pull numbers for each round. The order of the 2nd round will be selected based off the eliminated poets from the previous round.
- Content Warning. The Utah Arts Festival is a Family friendly event. Please keep language to little or no cursing. Think PG13. Poets will receive 1 content warning during a performance, where mic volume will be turned down then brought back to normal volume. If there is another violation, their mic will be cut and the poet may discontinue their poem or complete it acapella.
- Traditional Slam rules apply: 3 minute time limits w/ 10 second grace period. -.5 for every 10 seconds over. No props, costumes, music etc.
- 5 Selected judges will score on a 0-10 scale with the highest and lowest score dropped, counting only the 3 middle scores.
- There will be a total of 2 rounds with eliminations. First round will be 10 performances, 2 round will consist of our Top 5.
- Scores will reset after each round, aka Clean-Slate. Scores will not carry over from previous rounds. The rankings in which a poet moves on will only be determined by their singular performance in the round.
- In case of a tie, both tying poets will move on to the next round. A tie-breaker round may be implemented in the case of a tie in the Final Round for 1st place. Both tying poets will perform once more back to back, and our judges will vote either for Poet A or B as the stronger performance.The Poet who places 2nd in Individuals will be invited to help as a sacrificial poet in the Team Bout afterwards.
The Poets with the highest two scores after the Final Round win.
- 1st Place: $500 + CWC Swagbag
- 2nd Place: $100