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We're looking for jurors to review visual, performing, literary, culinary and film applications. Juries are a critical element helping to shape what you hear, see, feel and experience at the Utah Arts Festival. While some experience or knowledge of different genres and mediums is important and helpful to the process, so is having passion for art and enjoying what it brings to our lives.

The Utah Arts Festival is a community event that is dedicated to presenting high quality arts of all kinds. To make this possible we need a variety of voices and perspectives engaged in the discussions.

Please note that you are ineligible to participate on a jury if you have submitted an application as an artist in that medium.

Deadlines: This is a rolling application process, but please NOTE that you need to apply by the dates of the areas you want to be involved with (i.e. Performing Arts apps are due Jan 22 and reviewed in early February so submit your interest by January 22; Visual Arts apps are due February 27 so they are reviewed in early/mid March so submit by February 27, etc.) 

Contact Information

Areas of Interest

Visual Arts/Artist Marketplace

Jurors on this panel will be reviewing applications from more than 500 visual artists representing 16 mediums including Mixed Media, Ceramics, Digital Art, Drawings/Pastels, Fiber, Glass, Graffiti / Street Art Graphics/Printmaking, Jewelry, Metalwork, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Wearable Art, and Woodworking. If you have specific experience, expertise or a particular interest in one or more of these mediums please indicate that in one of the short answer questions below.

Performing Arts – Music, Dance, DJ, and Literary

The Utah Arts Festival convenes several juries for the various genres we present through this program. Use the short answer questions below to let us know whether you have understanding, expertise or specific interest in one of the following: Bluegrass / Folk, Blues, Street Theater, Classical, Comedy, Country Music, Dance Performances, EDM/House Music, Funk/Soul, Hip Hop, Jazz, Poets, Pop/Rock, Slam Poets, Theater, World music, and Writers.

Fear No Film

Housed in the Library’s auditorium, 60+ international short films will be screened over the course of four days. Categories generally include Animated, Documentary, Narrative, Midnight, and Kids. This program continues to grow in international recognition and receives submissions from around the world.

Please note that individuals who take part in the jury will not be considered to participate at the Festival under that particular medium

Please select one statement that best describes you and the reason you’re interested in participating on a jury:

Getting to Know You

Please check all that apply

Optional Demographics Questions

Getting to know you.  The following questions are optional questions designed only to understand our friends better so we can provide a more inclusive Festival for all to enjoy. Please scroll to the bottom to skip this section if you don't feel comfortable disclosing this information.

What category below best describes your age range or the age range of your group? (Pick multiple options)
With which gender do you and/or members of your group identify? (pick multiple options) We recognize that there are many ways people identify and what fits you may not be listed, so we have also included the opportunity to self-describe.
Please share your ethnic identity and/or the ethnic identities with which members of your group identify. (pick multiple options) Ethnic identities are much more complex than our list alone could capture so we’ve based the options on how the U.S. Census Bureau collects information. Please also feel free to use the option to self-describe.

NOTE: You will receive an email confirming submission of this form. Please check your spam mail if you do not see it show up in your inbox soon after submitting. If you change your mind or become unable to participate once you have submitted this application, please email to notify the Utah Arts Festival of any changes.

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